Much like your living space, it’s vital that you protect your place of business against intrusion. Deadbolts have proven to enhance security of entry doors in all types of applications, from residential to commercial. Here are three key benefits to installing a deadbolt at your workplace.
Solid Performance
Standard door locks are spring-powered mechanisms, making it possible for invaders to gain access with simple implements such as screwdrivers, knives or even credit cards. By contrast, a deadbolt is much more solid and difficult to manipulate. In most cases, nothing short of power tools will be sufficient to break through.
Force Resistance
Typically made with thick one-inch steel bolts to offer ample security, deadbolts make it considerably more difficult to gain entry through the use of common brute force tactics. Conversely, a standard lock usually is unable to present much resistance against a strong kick or blow at just the right spot on the door.
Make Entry More Difficult
Thieves and burglars prey on buildings which are easy to access; a good deadbolt slows them in their tracks. Often times, this alone can spare you a break-in, as the potential intruder would be more likely to look for an easier target than risk apprehension by fumbling with difficult door locks for long durations.
For more information about commercial deadbolt installation in Carlsbad, please visit this website.
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